Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Poet Artist Dapore offers Free desktop wallpaper

Artist Theo Dapore has been on the art scene for a little less than four years.
The artist credits much of his success to his signature series Last Apple.
Poem and painting series has been with him from the start of his art career.
He states the amount of exposure and the following the series generated quickly developed and gave the never herd of artist quick acceptance with consumers shopping art markets.
The series as of 4-16-09 as had 292 original produced and 285 of the originals have been purchased.
As a thank you to my clients and to those who sent messages to the studio in appreciation of the series my son Jeremy and I put together three different wallpapers that anyone who wishes may have. The three painting images have the poem inlaid and are available in two sizes.
You may view the wallpapers and poem here Last Apple Wallpaper

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